This week’s photo is a fantastic sunset from the Salisbury Crags by Col Walder!
Col lives in Edinburgh working as a Computer Game Programmer and in addition to photography, he lists Martial Arts and playing music as his hobbies, as well as teaching Cuban Salsa!
”Photography reveals a hidden world, from details that would normally be passed by unnoticed to immersing oneself in a scene of natural beauty, or even allowing the photographer to express themselves creatively.” said Col. ”I’m very interested and inspired by the idea that photography can express more than what is seen but also what is felt and experienced.”
More of Col’s work can be found at
The Stockbridge Photography Club is a non-profit photography club that aims to operate in a different way from the traditional photography club mold. We’re currently without a home after the sad closure of Kiss The Fish studios, however, we still have informal monthly meetings where we discuss our photos over a cup of coffee and learn about the month’s theme- albeit slightly more nomadic than usual!
Outside of this, we arrange photowalks and trips to various locations and landmarks in and around Edinburgh, providing our members with something interesting to photograph, whilst always having someone on hand to answer any questions.
More info about the club is on their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter
Submitted by Stockbridge Photogaphy Club