On Sunday 43 girls and a big support of parents and Girls coaches took part in a walk over the Forth Road Bridge to raise funds for the Spartans girls section.

Spartans plan to kit players and coaches with training kit for all age groups. Girls Coordinator Rab Aitchison and Spartans under 13’s coach Grant Cunningham organised and planned the event and wanted to use the funds to supply all the girls with the same training kit so the girls section will all be identifiable.

Spartans girls on the Bridge
Spartans girls on the Bridge

Rab and Grant told The Edinburgh Reporter:- “The event was magnificent and was a real indication of the unity within the Girls section as they all pulled together to complete this challenge. It’s overwhelming the level of support and interest from the parents and families as the turnout from them on the walk was really incredible.”

Anyone wishing to join the growing Spartans Girls section should contact Rab Aitchison on 07724 162840

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