
Oxgangs Primary goes beyond Earth Hour – Beach Clean up – Over 60s morning at Thistle Foundation – Edinburgh International Film Festival – Photography Competition

As part of the continuing Eco-schools campaign at Oxgangs Primary the whole school will be participating in an environmental day of action today. They will be showing their support for the global campaign to reduce their carbon footprint by hosting their own Earth Hour. All the classes will switch off all lights, smart boards and computers for sixty minutes.

During the Earth Hour and throughout the rest of the day children will be participating in a variety of activities including a relay litter pick of the school grounds, writing competition for the on-going eco-campaign and workshops on renewable energy. The children are being asked to wear green for the day to show their ongoing commitment to the environment.

They are hoping to raise awareness with staff, pupils and the wider community on the importance of climate change.


Marine charity volunteer needs helpers to join in local beach clean up

Port Laing beach, North Queensferry will be getting spruced up for summer as part of Beachwatch, the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) beach clean and litter survey on Sunday 30 June 2013 which aims to raise the issues of litter around the UK’s coastline.

Susie Burnet, from Edinburgh, is a Sea Champion volunteer for MCS and is hoping the event will highlight the serious problem of beach litter on Scottish shores.

“I’ve organised what I hope will be the first of many seasonal beach cleans at Port Laing as I am passionate about marine conservation. I’ve have been spreading the word about marine issues at events in the area and I’m even running a marathon to raise funds for MCS. I feel the next logical step is to take my passion to the beach and inspire others to help clean-up our beautiful shoreline,” Susie says.

Susie is hoping that local people who love the beach will join her at the clean up and make it a real community event. MCS will be providing gloves, bags and litter pickers.

“Litter levels on Scottish beaches are worryingly high, particularly plastics. Plastic bits and pieces made up almost 56% of all the litter found on Scotland’s beaches during a single weekend last September according to the annual Beachwatch Big Weekend Report. Volunteer cleaners also found over 110 plastic drinks bottles for every kilometre they surveyed,” says Matt Barnes, MCS Sea Champions Volunteer Coordinator.

“Over 170 species including seabirds, turtles and whales have mistaken marine litter for food and have eaten it, which in many cases has resulted in starvation, poisoning and ultimately a slow, painful death” explains Matt.

The beach clean and survey will take place on Sunday 30 June at 1pm. Anyone interested in getting involved should meet on the beach at Port Laing. You can find out more by calling Matt on 07891 319 268 or visit www.mcsuk.org/beachwatch


The Thistle Foundation invite you to an over 60s morning later this week:-

Come and meet us for a cup of tea and a chat

Try out a Tai Chi session followed by a relaxation

Have a fitness MOT

Take an opportunity for a chat with one of our team

Thursday 27th June 2013 Time: 10 am – 12 pm

At the Thistle Foundation Wighton House Niddrie Mains Road EH16 4EA Tel: 0131 661 3366

The Thistle Foundation aims to help people with disabilities and health conditions. Their mission is this:-Thistle Foundation is a boundary-pushing, pioneering organisation helping bring about a society where everyone has the right to feel involved and empowered to live the life they choose, regardless of their disabilities or health condition.


The Edinburgh Reporter’s Ryan McNeely has been keeping you up to date with what is on at the EIFF this year, and today there are another 21 films for you to see. Have you been to see any that you loved or hated? Then tell us! Send us your film reviews either by email theedinburghreporter@gmail.com  or by adding them via our Submit your Story feature.


You still have time to enter your photographs in the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh’s photography competition which runs until the end of August 2013.  There are several categories:-

Garden View

A landscape taken in any of the four Gardens. Note: images should not feature any identifiable people.

Plant Portrait

A plant (tree, shrub or flower) either singly or in a group of the same plant, or a close-up, taken in any of the four Gardens.


An experimental or expressionistic photograph (could be of a plant, an animal or a view of one of the Gardens.

Wildlife in the Garden

Animals, insects or birds taken in any of the four Gardens.

Young Photographer

Photographers under the age of 17 can enter their pictures into this category.

Full details here on the RGBE website

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.