Transport Scotland have whittled down all of the suggestions from the public as to what the new bridge over the River Forth will be called to just five possibilities, and now you can add your voice. Voting will remain open until 7 June 2013.
Voting opened today on the five choices which are
Caledonia Bridge
Firth of Forth Crossing
Queensferry Crossing
Saltire Crossing
St Margaret’s Crossing
Over 7,600 suggestions were made to Transport Scotland on the Name the Bridge website and this list was chosen by an independent panel from all of the suggested names.
Launching the public vote, Transport Minister, Keith Brown said:
“The Forth Replacement Crossing is the biggest infrastructure project in Scotland for a generation. This hugely significant work is vital for the future of the nation’s economy and the naming process has clearly captured the imagination of the public across all walks of life.
“The Forth Bridge was constructed in the 19th century, the Forth Road Bridge in the 20th century and now we are building a new crossing for the 21st century. I would encourage the public to continue to play their part and make the eventual winner a popular and fair choice by getting involved in the final vote.
“It is important this process is as inclusive and representative as possible. This innovative naming procedure has recently attracted international interest and praise for engaging so many people and other countries are keen to learn from our example. I would like to thank those involved and, in particular, the panel members for their time and careful deliberation in drawing together the shortlist.
“We are determined this project will leave a positive legacy. There are a number of different ways to cast your vote – so there’s no excuse for not getting involved!”
You can vote on the website or by text, or by Post. They also have a Twitter account @NametheBridge and you can follow that for updates.
Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.
Transport Scotland are obviously lacking in a sense of( Scottish) humour. they’ve picked 5 really boring suggestions and totally ignored the good ones like “the back and Forth – classic”. It doesn’t matter which lame suggestion comes out on top Scotland will name it whatever fits when it’s finished. who knows the real name for the squinty bridge?
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