Royal Mile Clean up – Ewan Williamson – Pandas – Taoist Tai Chi Centre grand opening – Assembly Rooms Fringe

Yesterday afternoon the council led a clean-up on The Royal Mile to get it ready for the busy tourist season ahead. The work included removing graffiti on the High Street and Canongate, along with litter pick-ups and the removal of stickers that cover signposts, utility boxes and other street furniture.

Four teams focused on four different parts of the Royal Mile – Castlehill and the Lawnmarket, High Street to the North Bridge, High Street to St Mary’s Street and the Canongate. Our photo shows Councillor Joanna Mowat cleaning up a phone box which is covered by stickers.


Criminal proceedings in relation to the death on 12 July 2009 at the Balmoral Bar, Dalry Road , Edinburgh of fire fighter Ewan Williamson, Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service, will be raised after an application for a warrant was granted at Edinburgh Sheriff Court yesterday.

There are two charges under health and safety legislation, namely breaches of Section 2 of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 and Regulation 3 of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999.

The Procurator Fiscal’s department has confirmed that Ewan Williamson’s family is being kept updated in relation to developments.


The pandas might, just might, get it together this year. Both Yang Guang and Tian Tian have successfully mated in the past, (though not with each other), so hopefully with all the careful supervision of Yang Guang’s handstands and his increased appetite, and Tian Tian’s hormones, we might get good news this year. But the important 36 hour window will be in about 10 days time…..



At the Assembly Rooms this year there is the usual array of big name comedians, including Ardal O’Hanlon according to The Scotsman. But another surprise turn will come from the Scottish crime writer, Val McDermid whose usual haunt is The Edinburgh International Book Festival further along the street.