Dusherra – Tonight at The House @42

Dusherra will be celebrated for the 18th year running in Edinburgh on the 28th October 2012. Scottish Indian Arts Forum (SIAF) is grateful for the sponsorship and support of The City of Edinburgh Council and Scottish Hydro for this years’ event.  The organisers say  that they are proud that they have managed to keep the festival free for its visitors. More details here.


Douglas Robertson offers tango this evening. Bit racy for a Sunday!

He says:-“Tango fans and lovers of great Latin music should put the above date into their diary as that’s when Tanino Duo land at the House. For the uninitiated Tanino is a two-piece outfit combining the superlative talents of Fernando A. Sanchez on guitar and Santiago Álvarez on chromatic harmonica. These guys are coming all the way from Argentina to play at the House (and other UK venues of course) and we couldn’t be happier. They are both highly trained experts in tango and Argentinian folk music who promise a fabulous listening experience. For those of you who like to dance we’ll make room for that too.”