This morning The Reporter met Victor, an industrious Canadian determined to give the roundabout at Picardy Place a new look.

This evening Lesley Hinds, Convenor of Transport, Infrastructure and Environment said:-“I am delighted that someone has cared enough to do something about the poor state of the roundabout on his own initiative. I would have liked to thank him personally before he left the city. I had raised this matter with the department but he beat us to it.”

Here are our photos of his work. (Yes we risked life and limb to get onto the roundabout!) What do you think? Should it be left in place or should it be treated as any other graffiti in the city would be and cleaned up?

Victor would not give us an interview as he claimed he was working to a very tight schedule as he returns to Toronto tomorrow…but he did lend us his Lomo lens to attach to an iPhone for the very last photo…

So here is the Lomo version – unfortunately Victor’s paint-spattered fingers got in the way…



  1. Looks brilliant, but anybody for a petition to have the kinetic sculpture back? If anybody remembers it was there in early 70s and amazing piece of engineering and light. It broke down and is probably lying in a Council warehouse!

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