Kristyna Myles, a busker from Manchester, who was recently signed to the world-famous Decca Universal label arrived at the Malmaison in Edinburgh this evening as part of her tour. Kristyna claimed:- “I can’t really function without music.”

Kristyna was discovered as she busked her way around the UK to raise money for the young people’s homeless charity Centrepoint. Many believed she would give up on her challenge of getting to 10,000 busking miles once she was signed, however, if anything, it has made her more determined.

Myles started busking while at university in Manchester. She said:- “I heard that a lot of the people in the year above me had gone on to do different things with their music, so the busking was a way to keep up with it.”

No stranger to fame, Kristyna was the mystery singer who performed at Wayne Rooney’s child’s christening, something kept secret until the day.

The single ‘Not going back” is now downloadable on iTunes and her album will be available in September.

Listen to the full interview here:

Listen to what Kristyna’s number one fan has to say: