Gordon Mackenzie is the LibDem candidate for Southside/Newington. He is the current Transport convenor.
Gordon is married with three children (5 and under). He lives in the Kirkhill area of Edinburgh.
Gordon is Edinburgh’s Transport, Infrastructure and Environment convener, since 2009. Previously, he was convener of Finance (2007 – 2009).
Before becoming a full-time local Councillor, Gordon worked in Social Care and Health settings as a Community Care manager.
Outisde politics the demands (and enjoyment!) of three young children takes up most of any free time, but previously sport and cinema were his main social activities.
Gordon is credited with helping to stabilise Edinburgh Council’s finances are the Lib Dem/SNP administration took over from Labour in 2007. Since 2009 he has had the challenging role of trying to bring the Edinburgh tram project to fruition against a background of an increasingly bitter dispute and cost increases. Mediation on the project is currently in progress.
Contact details
Telephone: 0131 529 3175
Email gordon.f.mackenzie@edinburgh.gov.uk
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