The Reporter is on holiday……so there will be limited news coverage today.

The council’s Planning Committee meets today at the City Chambers. One of the items on the agenda today is public realm works in the city. This means everything from pavements to street signs.  You can read more below, but the next parts of the city which are to be improved include the area between the Scottish National Portrait Gallery and Waverley Steps, the area around Chambers Street and the Museum. Although funding cuts affect this as everything else on the council agenda, some private monies have been forthcoming for Rose Street where Primark and the Assembly Rooms have contributed to the works proposed on that important thoroughfare.

Today is St David’s Day so you might all be sporting your daffodils in recognition of that? You could always tweet or email us some photos of daffodils?

If you have any stories you would like to share with us then please add them as comments below or indeed email them to us. We will investigate on our return. And we have some exciting things coming up in March…  Some we will only tell you about soon as they are currently top secret!

But one thing we can tell you is that on March 14th we are running a Live Webchat with the Edinburgh Conservative Group on The City of Edinburgh Council. If you have questions for them then please email them to us with the words Edinburgh Conservatives Live Webchat in the subject line.

Item 16 – Public Realm Strategy Annual Review – WG