Ian Murray is Labour Member of Parliament for Edinburgh South, Shadow Minister for Employee Relations, Postal and Consumer Affairs. He writes to tell us of the award he won recently.

“This month I have again included some videos of my work in Parliament.  When you get to an arrow on the page, just click it for the video.  You can stop the video and continue to browse at any time.   I would be grateful if you could let me know what you think of these.  Also remember that whenever you see a link, consultation documents etc, just click on them.

I’m also delighted to announce that the eMagazine won a prestigious award in the Houses of Parliament this month.  You can see the video in the eMagazine.  Congratulations to my senior researcher, Paul McKay.

The fully interactive version of the eMagazine can be found by clicking below or by hitting the control key and click:


The PDF version, that does not include all the functionality or videos, can be found below for the non-flash users and iPad, iPhone application etc:

http://www.ianmurraymp.co.uk/eMagazine%20Jan2011.pdf “

You can contact Ian in a variety of ways:-

Constituency Office: 0131 662 4520

House of Commons:  0207 219 7064

Write: 31 Minto Street, Edinburgh, EH9 2BT