Ani Rinchen Kandro led what she and others thought was a successful campaign to stop the Council from cutting down trees at Canonmills as part of the Water of Leith flood prevention works. More than a thousand people signed the petition she delivered to Holyrood last December.

Now the trees have suddenly been cut down. For a moment by moment account of what happened on Monday when the trees were removed, read The Broughton Spurtle.

Ani spoke to The Reporter this morning and said:-“Yes, we are all very sad, shocked and disillusioned to see these beautiful trees hacked down in haste. Such a loss to Edinburgh. The shame is that the flood works could have gone ahead without losing these trees if only the political will of the Council had been aligned to that of the community, instead of riding roughshod over it.

It only remains to be philosophical about it. All things must pass. The Councill might reflect on that come the elections when it may not just  be trees for the chop.”


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