Jenny MacLean runs a fitness company, helping other people get fit at her Energywise fitness studio so it should be no surprise that she herself is very fit.

She took part in the Edinburgh Marathon earlier this year when she finished as the fastest Scottish woman, and sixth overall.

This week she and Euan are cycling from John O’Groats back to Edinburgh

Here is what she said about the forthcoming trip:-



“Having successfully reached Land’s End in August, we felt rather fraudulent to ‘only’ have cycled the 833 miles from Edinburgh. So… before the moment passed and the enthusiasm wore off, we decided that we ought to finish the job and complete the final section between John O’Groats and Edinburgh.
This involves a long train journey from Edinburgh to Wick before starting the cycle up to John O’Groats and on to our planned nights in Thurso, Lairg, Inverness, Kingussie and Abernyte. Train & accomodation all booked, about to print off the maps & directions, just the final bike maintenance and packing to do and off we go again!
Follow our progress here (WiFi permitting) over the six days. Do you think we’ll manage the whole cycle without getting rained on as we did before? Will we pack enough warm clothes? And (most importantly) where will we find suitable cake stops in the sparsely populated wilds of the far North of Scotland? Keep reading to find out…”