Are you planning on getting involved in this? If you are, then why not tell us about it?

The Big Toddle is a fundraising event for children’s charity, Barnardo’s, and involves children under 5.
The theme for the Big Toddle 2011 is animals….

Toddlers can dress up as their favourite creature for the day and get into the swing of things with animal themed activities. The money you raise goes to our projects that help children under 5. These projects include family centres, play groups and parenting support services across the UK.

Join the fun and see for yourself why the Big Toddle will be such a big hit with your little ones! You can either organise your own or you could join in with one of two Scottish events in Glasgow or Edinburgh.

The Edinburgh event is planned to take place at Edinburgh Zoo on 7 June 2011, so if you register now you could take part (well your small child could!).