The Reporter has bumped into the founder of the newest recruitment agency on the New Town block, Edinburgh Recruitment, on a couple of occasions over recent months, and it quickly became clear that she would be a great subject to interview. Richardson set up her company as recently in December 2010, but says that she has had to hit the ground running, as business is already  so brisk! A consummate professional, it appears that she has her business life well under control. Even the company logo has had due consideration – it is not only a half of a Saltire but also the ‘more than’ symbol….

We caught up most recently over morning coffee in the New Town, and we only wish we could show you how smart she was looking, but Georgina is very camera shy…….

Who are you, and where did you come from in a couple of sentences?
London originally, latterly the Lake District where I spent over 20 years supporting the MD of a Theatrical Agency.  Managing Actors, Producers, Musical Directors in the Film, TV, Radio, Advertising and Theatrical sector.  –A few personalities including  David Suchet (Hercule Poirot and Shylock in The Merchant of Venice), Rik Mayall (The Young Ones and Bottom), Billy Boyd (Pippin in Lord of the Rings), Blythe Duff (Taggart), Roshan Seth (Nehru in Ghandi) and Rosaleen Linehan (fabulous Irish performer).

What is the business book you recommend that everyone should read?
The Merchant of Venice – it is about unreasonable business demands and business ethics – Antonio tried to swindle Shylock.   Good triumphs over evil. The play sets the moral dimension on which on all business should be set:-


No unreasonable demands

Arbitration (Portia’s speech the quality of mercy is not strained)

What do you think are your business strengths and weaknesses?
Discipline, Hard Work, Empathy (but I would consider this a strength also)!

What was the defining moment on your career path that has got you where you are now?


How do you spend your spare time?

Do you think you achieve a good work/life balance?
My two daughters Melissa and Madeline keep me grounded combined with my nutrition and Personal Training training!

What makes Edinburgh the best location for you to live and/or work?

Edinburgh is one of the most beautiful cities bursting with history.  It is also a compact and focused city with a high concentration of professional businesses such as finance, property, tourism, theatre  etc.  Edinburgh has worldwide reputation for excellence.

What is your special area of Edinburgh, or special place in Edinburgh and why?
I love the New Town for the architecture , galleries, gardens and being so central how quiet it is.
Tiger Lily’s, 99 Hanover Street and Hamiltons – they are all fun for nights out!

What would you consider the pinnacle of your career?

Still working on it and hopefully still to come!   Not seen it yet!

If you have a mentor then could you tell us who that is and about your relationship.

I have three mentors from different sectors.

What benefits does that relationship bring to you and your business?
These relationships are invaluable to me because it doesn’t matter what time of day it is, they are always there to  listen and support  by providing me with a different perspective or expertise and this is always invaluable in any decision-making  process.

Which networking groups in Edinburgh have you found particularly useful?
BNI because this group is all about building relationships, trust in fellow colleagues and helping each other grow our business.
LEMON and DINE – It is social first and business second.  Our focus is on facilitating connections as opposed to networking with real people in a friendly, informal and sociable environment.  Over time these connections will become ‘your’ vital professional network.

Who are your business heroes?
MADONNA –her constant reinvention and continued success would make her a hero to any business person!

What are your business goals for the next year?
To continue to grow my company,  but also pass my experience of recruitment to the candidates starting out in the job market  for the first time.

Describe your typical day for us.
Up with the birds, ensuring the girls are up and out to college and school, read my horoscope for the day!   Meeting clients, interviews, checking in with my candidates , networking at either 6.30am or in the evening.  Head off to Clan Fitness at Edinburgh Accies for circuit training which is great fun!  When I eventually arrive home in the evening the girls and I have a half hour catch up on our day, cook dinner, check emails,  research, check diary for next day and bed!

Best job advice you ever received?
1 Plan your work and work your plan
2 Make friends of your clients not clients of your friends

Your plan of attack for the next 12 months?

To grow the highly professional and personal recruitment service and continue to provide a “people focussed” approach.

Edinburgh Recruitment is at 1 St Colme Street Edinburgh EH3 6AA

t: 0845 474 3452
m: 07590 574522