East Lothian councillors today unanimously backed a 6.5% rent rise for tenants despite calls from some members for it to be even higher.
The increase...
East Lothian Council will receive less national funding per person than almost all other local authorities in Scotland over the coming year despite an...
Campaigners who fought to save a community woodland have accused East Lothian Council of ‘trampling over their pleas’ after they started chopping down the...
East Lothian Councillors are set to approve a 10% council tax rise next week despite additional funding from Scottish Government.
A cross party budget paper...
Scottish Ministers have backed a council leader’s decision to stop a family building three new homes next to their business.
East Lothian Council leader Norman...
Schools and nurseries across East Lothian will be closed tomorrow (Friday) after a red weather warning was issued.
East Lothian Council said the decision has...
A public planning meeting was thrown into disarray after the webcast system crashed halfway through an item this week.
East Lothian councillors were nearly an...
Plans to create a new dog park on land behind cottages at Meadowmill, in East Lothian, have sparked objections with protesters claiming it would bring...