A dynamic reinterpretation of an ancient Celtic celebration of the return of summer, Beltane Fire Festival is centred around the story of the May Queen and the Green Man, and the lighting of the...
The spirit of Beltane will be brought to life in a digital format once again this month with their online celebration, BOnFire 2021 (Beltane Online Fire Festival). BOnFire takes place on Beltane night, Friday...
We have heard from the Beltane Fire Society (BFS) who are asking their supporters to tell the council what they would like to happen about processions in public spaces.
The open consultation on ‘Proposed Policy and Code of...
On Saturday afternoon, performers from the Beltane Fire Society held a busk in Hunter Square giving a preview of what’s to come at the Beltane Fire Festival this Thursday 30 April.
The Beltane Fire Festival itself...