Edinburgh Printmakers Open Day 2014: an opportunity to visit the oldest open access printmaking studio in the UK. Hands-on activities, with printmaking workshops for adults and children, printmaking...
Paint Like Degas: Demonstration and Book Launch. Artist Damian Callan will talk about and demonstrate some of Degas's techniques that feature in his new book Paint Like...
Dolina: An Island Girl's Journey.Well-known singer, actress and storyteller Dolina Maclennan launches her autobiography, written in conversation with Jim Gilchrist and Stuart Edymann. Dolina looks back at her childhood...
Boney Night wi' Firewurks! Fireworks, dookin', fancy dress competition, turnip lantern competition, snack refreshments - and fireworks! Free and open to all, children must be accompanied...
Are You Going Up The Road? A new exhibition by Carolann Alexander, and Land Sea and Sky, new works by Newton Ross. Preview 6-8pm today, then 11am-5pm Tuesday to Saturday, The...
Before The Diving: little is known about ancient Penguin civilisation, but the recent discovery of early Penguin eggshell drawings provides a fascinating though slightly disconcerting...
March of the Daschund: children's craft event. 3pm, McDonald Road Library, 2-4 McDonald Road. Free: no booking required. Part of From Poland With Love: Scottish-Polish Cultural Week.
Golden Hare Books presents An Evening with Allan Massie. An eminent Scottish author and journalist, Allan has written over thirty books; his latest, Klaus, is...
What's On is truly international this week, with Poland, Italy, Spain, Afghanistan, Palestine, Denmark, China, France, the USA, Canada, Japan and the entire African...
Down at the Farm in Gorgie: Storyteller Rosie Mappleback shares some animal tales amidst the cows, sheep, pigs and ducks. Suitable for all ages. 11.30am-12 noon or 1.30-2pm, Gorgie...
The Cancer Research UK Ceilidh Experiment! Dancing (with caller), fairground games, films, theatre, poetry and the chance to try some hands-on science. Brew up...
Metals and Marble: an exhibition of contemporary metal and marble sculpture by Chris Muirhead and Simon Burns-Cox, displayed in the gallery with its 17th century...
South West Neighbourhood Summer of Sport: get competitive! take part in this summer's themed activities and events. 2.30pm every Monday in...
Following the success of the 2011 Africa in Motion Film Festival, which offered a vibrant mix of films showcased at Edinburgh's Filmhouse Cinema on Lothian...
If you missed this year's Africa in Motion Film Festival, you really missed out.
You missed several UK premieres of some startling films. You missed...