Two thirds of pet owners say their furry friend improves their mental wellbeing, according to a survey which reveals the impact of pets on their owners’ lives.
Rosyth-based pet food and wellness company Bella & Duke found that 63% of owners are convinced their animal gives them a mental boost while 56% said they lowered their stress levels.
Meanwhile 17% reported having a pet strengthened their relationship with their partner, and 13% insisted that a furry companion helped them get along with their family better.
Some 41% revealed they engaged in more physical activity because of their pet and 53% admitted they would feel lonelier without their furry friend.
The importance of pets to their owners knows no bounds. It was also discovered that one in five treat their pet to animal friendly holidays while a quarter take them out to meet other pets on play dates. Around 19% admitted they had changed the layout of their home to make it more pet friendly, and one in 12 had given their pet its own room.
Owners were also asked to reveal the best part of having an animal in their lives. The joy they bring to life came top, followed by the warm welcome home – and snuggles on the sofa.
Other favourite parts to pet ownership include always being by their side and being healthier and more active from owning a domestic animal.
A majority of pet owners said they try to ensure their pet gets the best food and nutrition, but 74% admitted they don’t know what ingredients are in the food they feed their pets, and the pet food company Bella & Duke are calling for clearer labelling standards.
James Sturrock, CEO at Bella & Duke, said: “We love hearing all the stories of the positive impact pets are having on our lives.”