A party was held at Summerhall on Tuesday evening to fête the arrival of the newest edition of Scotland the Best.

The author was on fine form, being interviewed by Stephen Jardine on stage in a tried and tested format, at home among friends. Stephen introduced Pete as a national treasure and he really is after three decades of working in the culture sector here in the capital and travelling the length of Scotland to bring this book bang up to date.

The book is published by Harper Collins and is a must on your coffee table, not just in Edinburgh where Irvine said he is still amazed at the plethora of tasting menus and the number of people who can afford to eat out at the finest restaurants.

Peebles also got an honourable mention for its buzzyness largely due to the cycling traffic, but Melrose also remains high on the list.

Influencers were referred to in passing, where most Instagram accounts are peppered with paid for content according to Irvine – who would however like everyone to follow his Instagram account where you will find many references to the content of the new book.

Pete Irvine – Scotland the Best book launch © 2024 Martin McAdam
Pete Irvine – Scotland the Best book launch © 2024 Martin McAdam
Pete Irvine – Scotland the Best book launch © 2024 Martin McAdam
Pete Irvine – Scotland the Best book launch © 2024 Martin McAdam
Pete Irvine – Scotland the Best book launch © 2024 Martin McAdam