Students frequently turn to samples as a guiding tool in academic writing, especially on health topics, rather than crafting content independently. This phenomenon raises a pertinent question: why is this approach so prevalent among students? Let’s delve into the key reasons behind this trend.

Ease of Understanding Complex Topics 

Health essays are inherently complex, often involving intricate scientific terms and concepts. These topics can be daunting for students, especially those not majoring in health sciences. Using samples provides a clearer understanding of how to approach these subjects. It’s not just about copying content; it’s about comprehending the structure, the style, and the way scientific information is presented. Samples act as a roadmap, guiding students through unfamiliar terrain. They demonstrate how to break down complex ideas into digestible pieces, making writing about health topics less intimidating. 

Time Management and Efficiency 

Let’s face it: students are under constant pressure to manage their time efficiently. Balancing coursework, part-time jobs, and personal commitments can be overwhelming. In such a scenario, writing an essay on a health topic from scratch can seem like a Herculean task. Using samples as a reference can significantly reduce the time and effort required to produce quality work. It’s not about taking shortcuts; it’s about smart work. Samples offer a starting point, saving students from the blank page syndrome and helping them to quickly get into the flow of writing. 

Learning from Examples 

One of the best ways to learn is by example. This is particularly true for academic writing. Health topic samples provide students with concrete examples of constructing arguments, using evidence, and maintaining academic rigour. By analysing these samples, students can learn about various writing techniques, such as how to make a compelling introduction, structure an essay, and conclude it effectively. It’s like having a virtual tutor that shows the dos and don’ts of academic writing in the health domain. 

Avoiding Plagiarism and Improving Originality 

Ironically, using samples can help students avoid plagiarism and improve their originality. How? By studying a range of samples, students get a sense of what has already been said on a topic and how it has been expressed. This awareness helps them craft their unique take on the topic, ensuring they are not unintentionally replicating someone else’s work. Samples are a benchmark for originality, pushing students to think beyond the conventional and develop their voice. 

Enhancing Quality and Academic Standards 

Lastly, samples on health topics serve as a quality standard for students. They offer insights into what constitutes a high-quality academic piece, from language precision to factual accuracy. Students can elevate their work to meet or surpass these standards by referring to samples. This is crucial, especially in health-related writing, where accuracy and clarity are paramount. Samples act as a quality check, ensuring that students are on the right track in meeting the academic expectations of their field. 


Using samples in writing health topics is more than just convenient for students. It is a strategic approach to overcoming challenges, learning effectively, and producing high-quality academic work. While students must use these samples ethically and responsibly, it’s equally important to understand the value they bring to the educational process. With the right approach, samples can be a powerful tool in a student’s academic arsenal, aiding their overall growth and success. 


Rae Luann is a seasoned writer and editor specialising in educational content, particularly in the health and sciences field. She is keenly interested in making complex scientific topics accessible and engaging for a broad audience. With a health sciences and communication background, Rae combines her knowledge and skills to create informative, well-researched articles to aid students in their academic endeavours. Her work reflects a dedication to clarity, accuracy, and the importance of ethical writing practices.