Join a Choir

Join a choir taster session at Edinburgh Plyahouseon 19 December for a free sing along and a mince pie. The songs will include festive classics such as White Christmas. Participants must be over 18.

No experience is necessary and more Sing in the Playhouse sessions will be running from 9 January and every Tuesday at 2pm until 2 April.

More information and details of joining fees here.

At Edinburgh Printmakers

A new exhibition, Journey, will open at Edinburgh Printmakers on 16 December and run until 17 March 2024 showing the work of 78 artists using a variety of print mediums.

This is the third annual members’ show at Castle Mills in Fountainbridge, and the theme of Journey has been interpreted by artists in many different ways including landscapes, excerpts of travels, and a morning commute.

There are life milestones and personal experiences used as the basis for artworks and the printmaking itself using new processes and materials.

Read more here.

Scottish Beacon wins National Award

The Edinburgh Reporter is a founding member of the collaborative journalism project, The Scottish Beacon, which has won a national journalism award.

Read more here.

Photo © 2023 – ASV Photography Ltd.

At Starbank Park next Saturday


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