Petition to The Scottish Parliament

A harrowing incident in the summer has led Hearts player Alex Lowry and his girlfriend to Support a petition to The Scottish Parliament. A fire at a kennel resulted in the death of five dogs, including Sunny a wee dappled dachshund which belonged to the footballer and his girlfriend.

Read more here.

Sunny the dappled daschund

Fundraiser for the Filmhouse

Buy tickets now for a fundraiser on 10 December at Summerhall to help Filmhouse get over the line with their fundraiser to OPEN THE DOORS.

Read more here about the concert being staged by S!nk

Filmhouse Edinburgh with Open the Doors banner outside PHOTO ©2023 The Edinburgh Reporter

Tenement maintenance and repair management event

An event is being held at the City Chambers on Friday with the Housing Convener, speakers from Under One Roof, the Scottish Association of Landlords, Trusted Traders and Novoville Share Repairs.

This will be an opportunity to learn about shared repairs, retrofitting and energy efficiency. Sign up below.

Pumpkin ideas

What will you do with your pumpkin? The Soil Association has warned that more than 18,000 tonnes of pumpkins are just thrown away.

Make soup! There is a recipe here on BBC Good Food with a video explainer.

Make a pumpkin cake… there is a recipe here for that…

Or…keep it simple by dicing up the pumpkin, drizzling a little olive oil over with some salt and pepper and roast in the oven until you can put a fork in it. Then put it in a food processor with some garlic, chickpeas, tahini and lemon juice to make a kind of hummus and then eat it with crisps or put spoonfuls into filo pasty with some cheese and roast again until the pastry is crisp.

And if you save nothing else then save the seeds – here is a recipe from Tesco to turn them into a snack.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.