The world’s best pipe band has been congratulated on its success by West Lothian council

There were cross-party congratulations for Bathgate and Boghall Pipe band at this month’s meeting of the full West Lothian Council.

And the band has been invited to a Civic Reception to honour their success in  winning the world championships in August.

A composite motion  backed by Councillors Conservative Alison Adamson, Willie Boyle for the SNP and Labour’s Harry Cartmill was agreed to invite the band to a civic reception with the Provost, Cathay Muldoon in the   Civic Centre.

The band, properly titled People’s Ford Boghall & Bathgate Caledonia Pipe Band, has been a cornerstone of the town for more than 50 years.

Councillor Adamson said: “Think it was really important  that civic reception was agreed. It is something within the gift of the council to recognise achievement in our community.”

 “Being crowned world champions 2023 they did themselves proud and West Lothian is proud of them all. 

“Starting back in 1972 from Boghall in Bathgate an institution was born. Young people were invited to form a pipe band, tuition provided and talent encouraged. A whole community has  been created which gives musicians young and old a true sense of  friendship and a purpose in belonging to this great organisation.”  

Councillor Willie Boyle said: “This has been a long time coming for the band that have been well respected internationally as well as in Scotland. I’m absolutely delighted for them and although I’m not musical it’s an example of the talent that has been nurtured in music right across West Lothian.”

“Alison touched  on the hard work and support  behind this band by  the local community family members and such like and that’s a credit and an exemplar for other bands and musicians going through  exactly the same challenges. The win is flag to to other musicians as to what can be done” 

Councillor Cartmill said: “ It’s a wonderful achievement for Boghall and Bathgate Pipe Band to be world champions; to be the best at anything in your hometown, in your county, in the country and now all over the world. 

“It really is astonishing. And what I think is great is that they are role models. It shows what can be done when people come together and practice and  they have discipline and passion and in the end they become world champions. 

“My voice is a voice joining with Councillor Adamson, with Councillor Boyle and I’m sure everybody in this chamber and everybody throughout the county in congratulating the band  for what they have achieved and I look forward to seeing them here, in the chamber, meeting the Provost. It’s a richly deserved civic reception.”

by Stuart Somerville Local Democracy Reporter

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