“The Race to Zero” roadshows organised by Fife Council’s Economic Development and Employability Services have successfully highlighted net zero ambitions for Fife pupils. These roadshows, held in Fife High Schools throughout June, showcased the “Race to Zero” augmented reality app as part of the Culture of Enterprise Programme.

As a result, app downloads have increased by 274% over the course of the month.

The Race to Zero app, developed and funded through a collaboration between Economic Development, Employability, Education and European partners is designed to enable pupils to transition their own virtual town from traditional fossil fuels to a greener, sustainable, 100% renewable energy network by 2050. Through the app, pupils gain an understanding of the current challenges facing businesses and how to realise net zero ambitions through investment decisions.

The app aligns with the curriculum, emphasising enterprise and STEM-related subjects, and was developed in line with Skills Development Scotland’s Climate Emergency Skills Action Plan. Local businesses contributed to the app development by providing live examples of how they are working towards achieving net zero targets, thereby building pupils’ knowledge and skills required for future jobs that contribute to the local Fife Economy.

“Race to Zero” is an easily accessible enterprise resource for all schools in Fife, promoting cross-curricular activity and helping to embed and develop entrepreneurial skills in young people.

Alison Sinclair from Fife Council’s Economic Development team (Culture of Enterprise) commented: ”The original aim of the app was to develop an interactive and engaging game to raise young people’s awareness of climate change and build entrepreneurial skills at the same time. The collaborative partners have succeeded in this, with pupils learning about different sources of renewable energy. Moreover, the game helps equip young people with the skills needed for future opportunities in the green and blue economies.”

“We are thrilled to hear such positive feedback from Carron Pour, Principal Teacher at Bell Baxter High School, about the Race to Zero augmented reality game.”

“The game has proven to be an incredible resource, engaging pupils in a fun and interactive way while igniting their curiosity about sustainability and climate action. Its immersive experience has enabled students to grasp complex climate challenges whilst also gaining knowledge about business and enterprise. We look forward to continuing to utilise the resource to help prepare our pupils for their future.”

“Overall, the Race to Zero roadshows have been a success, and we are proud of the positive response received from both pupils and teachers.”

For more information about Fife Council Economic Development, please email: fifemeansbusiness@fife.gov.uk.


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