The Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS) have announced a programme of £11 million worth of cuts for 2023-24.

The Lothian MSP Foysol Choudhury warns this could lead to catastrophic removals of equipment and firefighter positions at fire stations.

Crewe Toll Fire Station in Edinburgh is one of those which will be affected, with the potential loss of the station’s Turntable Ladder, the piece of equipment which allows rescues from height.

If the equipment is removed from the station, and if no other height appliance was available to attend, there would be no external rescue possible from above the fourth floor in a building.

Mr Choudhury visited Crewe Toll Fire Station to discuss the impact that these cuts would have on the firefighters and their ability to do their job safely. 

Following the visit, he said: “Firefighters risk their lives doing their jobs to save us, and our buildings, from fire.   

“They depend on vital equipment to help them do this safely and so I am incredibly concerned that this equipment could be removed, meaning that rescues from height will not be possible. 

“With over 50 buildings above four floors in the surrounding area, this proposal makes no sense.  

“If there is a fire in a block of flats in the area surrounding Crewe Toll, what will happen?  

“These cuts should not be made, knowing the dangers that fires can cause and the tragedies they lead to.” 

You can sign the petition to help Crewe Toll Fire Station retain their height appliance here.
Mr Choudhury is campaigning alongside Fire Brigades Union Scotland on their #CutsLeaveScars campaign, which is calling for a reverse to the decision to cut £11million from services. Mr Choudhury is also calling on the Scottish Government to urgently review their funding arrangements with the SFRS, so that these cuts are not forced and so that both firefighters and the public can be kept safe by a fully resourced fire and rescue service.

Photographs of Foysol Choudhury MSP, firefighters and equipment at Crewe Toll fire station.

Mr Choudhury has submitted a draft motion to The Scottish Parliament:

Supporting Crewe Toll Fire Station 

That the Parliament acknowledges that firefighters carry out vital work to save the public and our buildings from fire; values the work that firefighters do every day to ensure the safety of the public; appreciates that the work firefighters carry out can be extremely dangerous; notes that the use of equipment such as height appliances assist firefighters to carry out rescues and inspections safely; understands that Crewe Toll Fire Station in Edinburgh is at risk of losing its height appliance, a Turntable Ladder, as a result of £11million in cuts announced for 2023-24 by the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service (SFRS); believes that removing this appliance from Crewe Toll fire station will have a detrimental impact on the ability of firefighters to attend to fires in buildings with over four floors; notes with concern that there are over 50 buildings above four floors in the area surrounding Crewe Toll Fire Station; understands the concerns that the proposed cuts announced by the SFRS are as a result of funding pressures; believes that the SFRS must be adequately funded to ensure the health and safety of firefighters and the public; calls on the Scottish Government to review the funding arrangements for the SFRS; supports FBU Scotland’s #CutsLeaveScars campaign and calls for the SFRS decision on £11million in cuts for 2023-24 to be reversed and funding to fire stations increased, to ensure a safe and effective fire and rescue response.