Housebuilder Dandara has donated food plus £500 to the Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home (EDCH) which cares for more than 1,000 stray animals each year.

EDCH set up a pet food bank in 2019 extending to a food bank for humans after identifying the need. The charity aims to take in all stray animals brought to them for assistance. It also has a non-destruct policy, trying to make the animals’ lives as enjoyable as possible while they remain resident there.

Derek Stewart-Brown from EDCH explained: “It was heart-breaking to hear of mums and dads who were giving up their own meals from the food bank so they could feed their children and their pets.

“Since our campaign began in 2019, we have given out 37 tonnes of food; supported 40,796 pets and given out 398,000 meals to pets.

“We started by delivering a few boxes of pet food to one food bank and are now supplying 83 from Falkirk to the Lothians and the Borders. We would much rather pets stay in a loving home with their family than have to come to a shelter like ours and be rehomed.”

Lisa Archibald, Head of Sales for Dandara East Scotland, said: “We know times are very tight for so many people, and it is awful to think of families having to give up their precious pets every year because they simply cannot afford to feed them. 

“Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home does an incredible job and provides a real lifeline to animals and their owners. I am so proud of our charity committee for organising this donation and so thankful to everyone who lent their support.”

Lindsay Fyffe Jardine, Chief Executive of EDCH, added: “We are so grateful for this generous gift from Dandara, we rely on donations from sponsors to keep our vital services running. With the financial crisis, there has never been more need for support.”

Hayley Wilson and Jilly McGechie from Dandara making the presentation to Katie Kennedy, Development Executive at Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home.