Green Pencil 2022 is an environmentally themed creative writing competition open to all P4 to P7 aged children and young people in S1 to S3 in Edinburgh.

The deadline for entries is 21 October 2022.

A spokesperson for Edinburgh Libraries said: “We’re taking the ‘Year of Scotland’s Stories’ as our theme. Are you a budding story writer? Could you write a story/ poem/ prose with an environmental theme? It could be about yourself, your pet, a special place or your favourite animal that relates to your life in Scotland. You could include Scotland’s landscapes, lochs, towns and villages.  A story or poem that captures the reader’s imagination, piques interest and brings your writing to life.

“Entries can be poetry, prose or story, all we ask is that the writing is the author’s own work and is no longer than one side of A4 paper.

“For the first time since November 2019, we intend to hold our Green Pencil Awards night in person. Our 20 finalists and two guests each, will be invited to the Reference Library at Central Library for the awards ceremony on Thursday 24 November.”

Each finalist will receive a £10 book token, our four highly commended pupils will receive a £30 book token, and the overall winner will receive a £50 book token and a £100 book token for their class.

Finalists will be notified by Monday 7 November.  The four highly commended and the overall winner will be announced on the night.

Find all the further information you need including entry form and competition judging criteria.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.