Following an outbreak of Covid-19, Davidson Main’s Primary School closed on 27 May and was expected to remain closed until Monday 7 June. More than half of the classes were told to self-isolate.

Today the daily number of positive cases in Lothian has risen to 227, and the 7 day rate per 100,000 population is 591.7 in the Silverknowes and Davidson’s Mains area of the city. But the go ahead has been given for the school to reopen.

The headteacher, Astrid Gracie has now confirmed that the school will, as planned, open again to all children from Monday.

She has sent this letter to all parents and carers:

Dear Families,

I have now received confirmation from the Health Protection and NHS Lothian Teams that, following review, our School and Nursery can fully re-open to all our children from Monday 7th June.  We are all delighted and relieved by this news.

I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for supporting the additional measures which were put in place to limit the spread of the virus in our community, which have ensured that we can all return next week.

Please be assured that school is safe for your children.  

When returning on Monday, please remember to follow all the health and safety measures when in and around the school grounds, including:

  • wearing a face covering,
  • observing our one way system
  • maintaining 2m social distancing
  • not lingering in the playground, and
  • only one adult per family for Nursery – P3 drop off and collection.

In an effort to keep Covid-19 under control, please can I ask all families that if your child is unwell, you do not send them into school but book a PCR test and keep them at home until you receive a negative test result.

I know that  it has been a very challenging ten days for all our families and staff and we very much look forward to welcoming the children back on Monday.

Wishing you all a safe and happy weekend.

Astrid Gracie