Housing provider, Bield, has been given Covid-19 testing kits by The Scottish Government which provide results within 30 minutes.

Bield Housing and Care has been sent Lateral Flow Testing [LFT] kits to all of its manned developments across the country in a bid to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Guidance has been shared with staff members on how to conduct the test safely, as well as an instructional video demonstrating how the test should be applied.

Bield staff will also complete a multiple-choice questionnaire following each members’ first use of LFT.

Dr Lynne Douglas

Chief Executive of Bield, Dr Lynne Douglas, said: “This is a significant step in the fight against Covid-19. Throughout the pandemic, staff have continually gone above and beyond to ensure the safety of our customers, and themselves is paramount, the introduction of LFT will heighten our protection level.

“We hope the LFT programme will provide some clarity and reassurance for not just staff, but for our customers and their families.

“All staff are being urged to take the test twice a week at the development to safeguard themselves and others.”

Development managers have been instructed to supervise the first batch of tests of every employee to ensure the process is carried out correctly.

NHS training webinars have also been made available for staff.

The LFT kit contains a packaged sterilised swab, an extraction tube, a test cartridge, an extraction buffer bottle as well as an instruction leaflet and a foil pouch.

Bield is a registered charity which grew from humble beginnings, starting out with one housing development in Bo’ness to become a major provider of housing and care services for around 20,000 older people across 23 local authority areas.

Bield’s new strategy for property development provides housing solutions – with greater choice and flexibility – to address the needs of the current generation of older people and the next.
