People in Scotland considering buying an electric scooter or e-scooter, this Christmas are being urged to fully understand the law and the implications of using one in a public place before they do.

Police Scotland hope to dispel and address some of the myths about where they can and can’t be ridden.

In July of this year, the UK Government introduced legislation trialling the use of e-scooters, through local authorities, for a period of 12 months via approved rental companies. There are currently no such rental schemes operating in Scotland and private use of e-scooters in a public place is not legal.

While e-scooters are legally available to purchase, it is currently against the law to ride a privately owned E-scooter in any public place in the UK. This includes roads, pavements, parks, town centres or promenades. The only place a privately owned e-scooter can be used is on private land with the agreement of the land owner.

E-scooters are currently classified as Personal Light Electric Vehicles (PLEVs) so they are treated as motor vehicles and are subject to the same legal requirements as any other motor vehicle, requiring insurance, a valid driving licence, and compliance with various construction and use requirements.

Superintendent Simon Bradshaw, Deputy Head of Road Policing, Police Scotland said: “We understand that e-scooters are a tempting option for Christmas presents this year, but we would urge people to fully understand the law and the implications of using an e-scooter on a road or other public place. The safety of all road users is our priority and the last thing we want to do is to ruin a Christmas by reporting them to the courts and taking away a much-loved and expensive Christmas gift.”

John graduated from Telford College in 2010 with an HNC in Practical Journalism and since then he worked for the North Edinburgh News, The Southern Reporter, the Irish News Review and The Edinburgh Reporter. In addition he has been published in the Edinburgh Evening News and the Hibernian FC Programme.