The Travelling Gallery needs a new generator to take it into the 21st century. A crowdfunder has been launched to buy a carbon-efficient machine to keep the bus as green as can be.

The bus travels around the country bringing art to thousands of people, and has done so for 40 years. In March this year the old generator died and the gallery’s team thought it would be a good idea to reduce the emissions from the bus.

A new generator would reduce the power output from 12kVA to 8kVA and runs according to the load demand – so it only powers what is needed. The new generator would allow the bus to reduce power consumption by around a quarter.

It is in the more rural locations that the bus needs to be connected up to the generator, as it is usually possible to get a mains connection in towns and cities.

Claire Craig, Curator at the Travelling Gallery said: “Post-Covid, we want to reopen Travelling Gallery as greener, more sustainable, organisation which can continue to make art accessible to all. In these unparalleled times it has never been so important and vital to ensure everyone across Scotland gets an equal opportunity to engage with and experience visual art. We cannot make it to the hardest to reach communities without your support.” 

Donations can be made via Crowdfunder campaign here which remains open until 9am on 14 September 2020.

Supporters are asked to donate whatever they can afford, with special rewards offered including an artist postcard for donations of £20 or more and for donations over £100, the opportunity to have your name added to the Travelling Gallery bus with a bespoke vinyl on the generator’s hatch door.

Pictured Curator Claire Craig With a Framed prints by Rachel Maclean ‘The Baptisim of Clyde & It is Finished PHOTO Ian Georgeson