Graham’s the Family Dairy are giving out free sleep advice with their milk deliveries.

Actually the whole UK dairy industry is behind the #MilkYourMoments campaign championing dairy.

They want to encourage people to share their special moments of personal connection through their love of milk and great tasting dairy products.

It could be aa morning latte, an afternoon tea over Zoom or FaceTime showing off your latest scones with a smothering of butter or sharing a tub of ice cream with someone you love while binge watching Normal People.

Anyone who shares their own #MyGrahamsMoment will be in with a chance of starring in the new TV advert for the campaign. It will be shown on TV soon.

Robert Graham Snr, Chairman, Graham’s The Family Dairy said: “My father started the business with 12 cows back in 1939. Our industry has been through some tough times over those 80 years, but the current situation is unprecedented and as a business and a family of farmers, we are all trying to navigate ourselves as best we can. All our farmers and colleagues continue to rise admirably to these daily challenges, ensuring that food production keeps moving, for the benefit of local communities across Scotland, but we must also ensure that our business and the dairy industry overall benefits in the short and longer term.

“It is at this time we realise and appreciate all the things we may have previously taken for granted, whether that is the presumption that we will always see milk on our supermarket shelves, or most significantly, the importance of our relationships, friends and family.  When we are unable to see and have close contact with those we love and care for, it is ever more poignant.  That is why I believe everyone will be able to relate to this new consumer campaign as it is about connecting people through their love and enjoyment of great tasting milk and dairy products.

“Like most parents and grandparents across the country, I miss my family just now. My special ‘milk moments’ as a farmer will always be in the fields with my Jersey Girls, but now things have shifted slightly and as a father and grandfather I very much look forward to seeing my grandchildren’s faces on video calls as we enjoy a milky hot chocolate ‘together’. These cherished family moments are incredibly important to me, especially at this time.”

To be in for a chance to win some amazing prizes, including the exclusive Scottish ‘star’ spot on the national television advert, as well as a monthly bundle of Graham’s dairy products for one year, please share all #MyGrahamsMoment stories and images via Instagram,  Twitter and Facebook.

The science

There is science behind how milk can calm and help you get a good sleep at night, something we could probably do with at the moment. 

In their experiment, Graham’s found that 5 out of the 6 people we asked to create their very own Graham’s Latte said that they felt they had a more restful night’s sleep. One also highlighted that she found the process of making the drink before bed ‘quite cathartic’, helping her wind down and ‘be away from screens for a little while before going to sleep’.

Here’s how to make your own Snooze Latte:

Everyone’s got their own little trick to help them get their 8 hours; counting sheep (cows work too!), reading a good book, putting their phone out of sight… But have you ever heard about drinking a glass of milk before you go to bed as a way to help you get a sound night’s sleep? It’s been the subject of some debate over the years, so Graham’s want to settle the issue once and for all.

Getting enough good quality sleep is absolutely crucial to your overall health. We all know that horrible feeling of what it’s like, especially now after a patchy sleep. Irritability, compromised ability to focus, fatigue – these are just a few of the downsides to poor sleeping patterns. On a more serious note, it’s also thought to be connected to the slowing of your metabolism and even chronic diseases such as strokes, diabetes and various cardiovascular issues.

Tryptophan and melatonin…Your two best friends for a restful night. Milk (and other dairy products) are a really good source of tryptophan. It’s an amino acid that can help promote sleep, so it can come in particularly handy especially if you’re used to tossing and turning before finally getting off to sleep.

Tryptophan is not naturally produced by our bodies so needs to be ingested in order to get the benefits. It’s also a precursor to melatonin, which is sometimes known as the ‘hormone of darkness’. It might sound a bit creepy but its sleep-promoting abilities mean that there’s a good reason for such an odd name. After all, it’s the hormone that regulates our sleep-wake cycle. Here’s the science bit for those interested; tryptophan promotes production of the neurotransmitter serotonin (the ‘feel good hormone’), and in turn, as the day draws to a close, can be converted into melatonin.

So next time you’re struggling to nod off consider making the short walk to the fridge and pouring yourself a glass of the white stuff – it might just be the difference between a sweet dream and a nightmare!