You are invited to share any experiences of gender inequality or racism with the national body responsible for finding out more about such problems.

The First Minister’s National Advisory Council on Women and Girls (NACWG) wants to hear from everyone, regardless of gender or self-identification. The body was set up to encourage change by raising the issue of gender inequality. In particular it is set up to provide a challenging voice to the First Minister.

The council focuses on different themes and encourages sharing of ideas and promotes discussion. Until June the spotlight is on Racism and Inequality, trying to find ways to create a society of equals.

To take part in the national conversation you are asked to form a Wee Circle with family or friends to discuss racism and inequality for women and girls. Then you can submit feedback from your Circle discussions online or you can also share your thoughts on social media using the hashtag #GenerationEqual.

Dr Ima Jackson, joining Louise Macdonald OBE as Co-Chair of NACWG in 2020, said: “Racism and inequality is still a problem within Scotland, particularly for women. Women and girls are too often discouraged within society to reach their full potential because of both their gender and the colour of their skin. 

“We invite people across Edinburgh to share their views and experiences, whether they themselves or someone they know is affected by these issues. We will use this feedback to help advise the First Minister what is needed to tackle gender inequality and racism through our recommendations. This is an opportunity for the people of Edinburgh to play a part in real and lasting change for everyone in Scotland.”

Read The NACWG’s 2019 report and recommendations at

Louise Macdonald OBE