An Edinburgh public relations consultant is offering his services free of charge to promote businesses helping with the Covid-19 relief effort.

Paul Kiddie owns Edinburgh-based PK Media & PR Ltd and hopes to highlight a lot of the great work being done by people in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.

As with the majority of companies since the crisis struck, Paul’s business has suffered from the uncertainty. However, he plans to put his time to good use by raising the profile of unsung heroes during the national emergency.

“Like thousands of other business owners, things have slowed down for me in the current environment,” said Paul, who established his company nearly five years ago. “However, the flip side of that is there is more capacity to look at other projects.

“These are worrying and unprecedented times but it has been reassuring to see so many people coming together to help and I thought it would be a good idea to try to raise awareness of what was happening at no cost to the individuals involved.

“If there are any companies or individuals helping provide a service and would like their efforts recognised, please get in touch.

“Communities have rallied together with some great ideas. I’m sure there are many other initiatives and it would be great to spread the word about them. 

“An important element of public relations and communications is a focus on story-telling
and there will be many great stories of solidarity in adversity waiting to be told.

“I think the Scottish public can be proud of the way we have dealt with this crisis so far. Uncertain times remain ahead of us but if we can keep positive and help maintain people’s
spirits by highlighting the good that is being done, then that has to be a plus.”

Photo: Michael Schofield

The country has been brought to its knees by the pandemic but Paul says PR can play a valued role in helping the nation back on its feet.

“Most of the news today makes for uncomfortable viewing but I think the likes of Jason Leitch, Scotland’s National Clinical Director, is doing a tremendous job in getting the key messages across to the public in the right manner,” he added.

“We don’t know how long this will last but I think it’s important for businesses to try to remain positive, be proactive where possible and work on their own messaging.

“We have all been massively impacted by the fall-out from Covid-19. The important thing is as many of us as possible come through this still healthy and then we can cope with whatever lies ahead.

“Life will eventually return to something resembling normality and when it does, it’s important businesses put themselves in a position to emerge from this crisis as best they can.”