Henry Duncan Grants is a £1million a year programme run by Corra Foundation which supports grassroots charities in Scotland.

The Foundation has now set out a strategy for the next decade during which there will be a new approach.

Corra’s new strategy will strengthen and amplify people’s voices and their power to make change. Charities fed in to the new plan saying they wanted funding which comes with trust and time. In response, Henry Duncan Grants will make processes simpler and grants will run for up to five years.

One of the ways they will effect change is to allow unrestricted grants wherever possible and there will be a rolling programme of micro grants.

Corra Chief Executive Fiona Duncan said:“Our strategy is a response to the world we live in, and to the one we want to play a part in building. We’ve taken the bold step of setting out our 10-year vision, providing clarity on our priorities and direction and recognising that change takes time.

“This strategy is not about Corra, it’s about the people and communities we work alongside to champion fairness, rights and connected communities and tackle challenges such as poverty, problematic drug and alcohol use, loneliness and mental health issues.

“At the heart of this strategy is our belief that when people find their voice, they unlock the power to make change happen. We have the privilege of seeing the amazing things that people and groups across Scotland do every day to support each other. We want to be bolder and more creative in the way in which we play our part in supporting this.”

There will be more participatory approaches within grant programmes with lived experience panels and models of community-controlled funding. There will also be collaboration and management of funding on behalf of others.

Corra Foundation exists to make a difference to the lives of people and communities. It works with others to encourage positive change, opportunity, fairness and growth of aspirations which improve quality of life. Corra wants to see a society in which people create positive change and enjoy fulfilling lives.