The mobile phone retailer Dixons Carphone trading on high streets as Carphone Warehouse is closing its stores across the UK although the shops in Currys PCWorld stores will remain open.
Mobile phones will be sold from those 305 UK locations rather than standalone stores which make up 8% of the company’s total UK selling space.
The reason given is for once nothing to do with coronavirus but due to the change in our retail habits.
Around 1,800 staff will be moved to other jobs, but Carphone Warehouse expect that 2,900 redundancies will result. You can continue to buy from the company through PCWorld and also online.
The company explained on its website: “Customers are also increasingly choosing to shop, not only with our large and growing online business, but also in the company’s big 3-in-1 stores, featuring Currys, PCWorld and Carphone Warehouse, which continue to grow market share and where customer satisfaction is sharply up. These stores, which are 20 times larger than Carphone Warehouse standalone stores, allow customers to see, touch and play with technology (electricals as well as mobile, services as well as products) and receive trusted independent advice from 17,000 expert store colleagues, all in one place. The business has been investing tens of millions of pounds in these stores.”
The company announced a £90 million loss this year and this strategy is part of the planned return to profitability.
There are two Carphone Warehouse shops on Princes Street which will both close.
Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.