There was £44,624 on offer as part of the participatory budgeting scheme, £eith Chooses and last night the decisions were made as to who would get how much.

The votes were cast at a public event on 1 February when all the groups got the chance to pitch to the public.

At Leith Community Centre last night the announcements were made.

Here is the full list :

The following groups / projects have received the largest number of votes from the Leith community, and will receive funding through £eith Chooses 2020, for projects
fighting hunger and/or loneliness.

The figure below, per group, is the amount the group applied for

YMCA                              £5,000
Multicultural Family Base £5,000
NE Edinburgh Foodbank £5,000
Feniks                             £3,808
Citadel Youth Centre       £4,990
Leith DIY Skateparks       £4,500
ELREC                            £5,000
Projekt 42                       £3,900
Pilmeny Dev. Project      £3,870
Dr Bells Family Centre   £3,556 (partial funding)

There will be an open ‘Feedback’ discussion session on Tuesday 10 March 2020, at 6:30 pm in the Leith Community Centre cafe, to review and evaluate all/any aspects of the 2020 £eith Chooses process.

All are welcome, and all views and contributions will be listened to and taken on board for future events.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.