Here in Edinburgh we are represented by three of the main parties at Westminser with three SNP MPs, one Liberal Democrat and one Labour MP : Deidre Brock MP, Joanna Cherry QC MP, Christine Jardine MP, Ian Murray MP and Tommy Sheppard MP.

Today for the first time this century the Houses of Parliament are convening on a Saturday to discuss the Brexit deal that the Prime Minister agreed with the EU earlier this week. The Prime Minister is opening proceedings this morning by making a statement on the legislation needed to take the UK out of the relationship with the European Union and enter into a new relationship.

Here is a flavour of what the Edinburgh MPs have been saying on social media in the week the historic sitting :

The SNP MPs will reject and attempt to vote down the government’s Brexit deal when it comes before Parliament today.

Ian Blackford also increased pressure on opposition parties to back the SNP’s amendment to reject the deal, secure an extension and call a General Election.

The SNP Westminster leader said that a Tory MP in favour of Brexit had confirmed there were assurances from senior UK government ministers Michael Gove and Dominic Raab that the UK could crash out of the EU without a deal if trade talks fail next year.

The SNP has consistently claimed that economic analysis shows that an extreme Brexit could lead to a recession, with a loss of 100,000 Scottish jobs, and cause lasting harm to living standards, public services and the economy.

Commenting, Ian Blackford said:“When Boris Johnson’s appalling Brexit deal – which is even worse than Theresa May’s plan – comes before Parliament, the SNP will categorically reject it and vote it down.

“Not only would this deal be devastating for Scotland – dragging us out of the EU, single market and customs union against our will – it’s clear that right-wing Brexiteers have been assured by senior Tory government ministers that backing this deal could lead to a no-deal crash-out if trade talks fail next year.

“It would be staggering that with that no-deal threat on the table Labour MPs could even think about voting for this toxic deal. Labour must not be the handmaidens of a Tory Brexit which we know will cost thousands of jobs and harm people’s livelihoods. Meanwhile, Scottish Tory MPs are prepared to vote for a deal that they previously pledged they would not back.

“Scotland has been completely ignored by Westminster throughout the Brexit process and now we are being singled out for a raw deal – as the only part of the UK that will not get what it voted for and have no say at all.  

“Opposition MPs must back the SNP amendment to reject this cloaked no-deal, secure an extension and call an election, so we can bring this Tory government down and stop Brexit.

“Whatever happens now, it is clearer than ever that the only way to protect Scotland’s interests is by becoming an equal and independent European country – and the people of Scotland must have that choice of a better future.”

Scottish Liberal Democrat MP, Alistair Carmichael, has issued an open letter to Scottish Conservative MPs calling on them to reject Boris Johnson’s Brexit proposal, which would create a border between Northern Ireland and the rest of the United Kingdom.

In the letter, Mr. Carmichael asks Scottish Conservatives to reaffirm their commitment to the political integrity of the UK.

Mr. Carmichael said:“Ruth Davidson and David Mundell were right last year when they rejected any Brexit deal which would undermine the Union.

“By creating a border in the Irish Sea, that is exactly what Boris Johnson’s plan does.

“Pro-UK Members of Parliament must come together to stop this divisive proposal from the Prime Minister. We cannot take the future of our country for granted.”