This year Pedal on Parliament continues to campaign for proper funding for active travel and a number of other measures to make Scotland a cycle friendly country.

Rather than having one big cycle from The Meadows to Holyrood, they are holding several events in Edinburgh over the weekend of 26 – 29 April 2019. There are also other events across Scotland.

Here is a run down of the Edinburgh events and how you can get involved:

Sciennes School Bike Bus – The pupils go to school each month on a bike bus and they will be doing this on the POP weekend too from 8.20am.

Davidson’s Mains Bike Bus Friday 26 April 2019 at 8.15am This primary school lies on Corbiehill Road and there is only a little cycle provision. The school will run a bike bus of children and parents into school this morning beginning at Davidson’s Mains park main entrance via Silverknowes Avenue and Silverknowes Road. Sign up here.

Forrest Road – Be a human bollard between 8.30am and 9.00am on Friday 26 April 2019. The campaigners believe this is poorly designed as drivers from the right get a green light at the same time as cyclists coming from the Meadows which makes car drivers think the cyclists have jumped the lights. The painted cycle lane is often blocked by parked cars. The plan is to form a chain of human bollards protecting the cycle lane from vehicles and allowing cyclists from Middle Meadow Walk a safe passage. Sign up here.

Jelly Baby Lanes on Morrison Street. Saturday 27 April 2019 10.00am. Help @thebonnieloon to measure the width of the cycle lane in the middle of Morrison Street between three lanes of traffic in jelly babies. This will then be benchmarked against the minimum passing distance of 1.5metres (50 jelly babies). The problem is that painted cycle lanes provide little protection and are often too narrow to be of any benefit.

Portobello Friday 26 April 2019 SPOKES Porty is going on the school run along with invited guests and a group of local children. Children will be on bikes, scooters or walking to two local schools and a film will be produced to use as marketing material for local infrastructure improvements. Problems already identified include speeding drivers, problem parking and unsafe junctions.

Musselburgh Saturday 27 April 2019 at 1.00pm at Musselburgh Station. Cycling without Age. Helping older people get back on their bikes by offering free bike rides to residents of local nursing homes.There are two National Cycle Routes near Musselburgh which are unsuitable for the trishaws. The campaigners are calling on East Lothian Council to fix this.

King’s Park Dalkeith Saturday 27 April 2019 at 12 noon. Be a superhero for cycling. Dress up and get along on your bike or scooter for a costumed ride and an afternoon of fun. Sign up here.