The ‘Put It To The People March’ calls for a People’s Vote too loud to ignore.

Today just six days before the Government was to take Britain out of the EU, hundreds of thousands of people will march on Parliament offering what they describe as a solution to a crisis that threatens their living standards, businesses and jobs.

The march will begin at Park Lane at 12 noon and will move towards Parliament Square.


Scotland for a People’s Vote – which is campaigning for a UK-wide referendum with the option to remain in the EU – welcomed the announcement by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon at First Minister’s Questions this week that she will attend and address the Put it to the People march in London which takes place today.

Kerry Buist, Director of Scotland for a People’s Vote, said:“The Put it to the People event is shaping up to be one of the biggest protest marches ever seen in the UK, and it is great news that Scotland’s First Minister will be there.

“Scotland has led the way in the People’s Vote campaign.

A public vote has the support of parties representing nearly 80 per cent of Scottish MPs, the Scottish Parliament has voted in favour of a People’s Vote and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities also backs it.

“This widespread support shows just how strong the European ideal is in Scotland, and it is excellent that the First Minister will be there to make the case for democracy and Europe at the rally on Saturday.

“The only sensible way through this crisis is to hand the final decision back to the public through a People’s Vote, which is a democratic opportunity for Scotland’s wish to stay in the EU to be respected.”

Edinburgh South Labour MP Ian Murray told us during our podcast yesterday that he will be taking part in the ‘Put It To The People’ march in London.

Labour Mayor Sadiq Khan, Tory peer Michael Heseltine and SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon will all be sharing a platform at the rally.

Ian Murray MP said:“I will be marching on behalf of the 78 per cent of voters in Edinburgh South who backed remain.
“This is a march to stop the madness of Brexit. The last 1,000 days have destroyed trust in politics, and time is now running out to avoid a catastrophic no-deal exit from the EU.
“This national crisis can only be resolved by putting the decision back to the British public.
“It’s heartening that political figures are putting aside their differences for this, and it’s particularly encouraging that Nicola Sturgeon is now willing to share a platform with a Tory. 
“This is much bigger than party politics, and we owe it to the people of Britain to come together to fix this mess.”

Speaking ahead of the Put it to the People march in London as well as a series of Liberal Democrat demonstrations across the country, Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie said: “From the hundreds of thousands marching across the country to the millions of people signing petitions and speaking out, I have rarely seen the public so engaged with politics.

“The country is at a perilous crossroads and people are deeply concerned. However, Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn still refuse to act in the national interest.
“It doesn’t need to be this way and Brexit is not a done deal. Liberal Democrats have led the campaign for the people to have the final say on Brexit, and it is time they got it.”
