In February the Scottish Chamber Orchestra is holding a family concert on 9 February 2019 at Assembly Rooms. They want those who are coming along to be ready for some audience participation!

Calling all brave knights! Photo |

The concert is suitable for those from 3 years old and upwards but there are also other activities which take place before the concert even begins. You can learn to draw the characters with illustrator Korky Paul or play multi-coloured instruments and meet musicians from the SCO.

During the concert they will bring to life Giles Andreae’s Sir Scallywag and the Golden Underpants along with children’s TV presenter Chris Jarvis and conductor Holly Mathieson.

SCO hope that their audiences will interact with them at the concert PHOTO |Ian Georgeson

Chris Jarvis said : “I am delighted to be performing alongside the sensational Scottish Chamber Orchestra again this coming February. The intimacy and friendliness of this Orchestra make their family concerts accessible to all as well as huge fun. If you’re looking to introduce your young family to real instruments and you want them to get up close and inspired, this is the perfect opportunity.”

2018 Family Concert attendees have said : “The range of activities provided in advance of the concert was terrific, and offered some really well thought out activities, different from the usual ‘extras.’ The concert itself was very well pitched and kept my child’s interest throughout. Really nicely done.”

“The best bit about the day was seeing my five year old boy utterly transfixed by the performance and very enthusiastic about meeting some of the Orchestra members and their instruments afterwards.”

SCO Family Concert – Sir Scallywag and the Golden Underpants

Saturday 9 February, 12pm & 2.30pm                   Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh

Sunday 10 February, 2pm                                      Perth Concert Hall

Running time: approx. 50 mins

CHRIS JARVIS                   Narrator

HOLLY MATHIESON          Conductor

KORKY PAUL             Illustrator

PAUL RISSMAN                 Composer