Scotland take series opener

Dubbed ‘The Atlantic Series’, Scotland and USA played the first of their three match series in Glasgow with the Scots making a successful start with a win.

They were made to work hard for, at least, three-quarters of the match, but, with the US lying just four places below the Scots in World ranking, it wasn’t a ‘done deal’ until the final hooter.

The match started fairly slowly with Scotland holding onto possession as they tried to find space, which soon came and lead to the first goal after four minutes. The visitor’s defence failed to collect a through ball into the D and Gavin Byers was on hand to deflect the ball past the keeper for 1-0.

Within a couple of minutes, however, USA pulled level with a goal of their own. Showing some fine individual skills, the ball was moved quickly into Scots’ territory to Alexander Grassi on the right of the home goal. His diving shot off his reverse stick popped up over the Scots keeper for the equaliser after seven minutes.

Scotland came back strongly and a few minutes later, a melee in the goal-mouth had Cameron Golden see his attempt bobble past the upright.

Golden’s reward came a couple of minutes later from another through ball. This time it was Gordon McIntire who was the receiver. With the keeper out quickly, McIntire simply slid the ball inside for Golden to follow on to and slam the ball into the net for the lead with 12 minutes played.

Grange’s Callum MacKenzie

The second quarter was equally enthralling, but the visitors, although able to make ground, couldn’t quite manage to threaten the goal. Scotland for their part, squandered the chance to equalise from a series of penalty corners, so the half ended with the score 2-1 to Scotland.

The second half started with the US side looking a bit more threatening down the right and pressurising the Scottish defence a touch more vigorously, but it was Scotland who came away with the goal.

Golden had forced the US keeper into a couple of fine saves – one of which ricocheted off the post – but the home side eventually got their reward from another penalty corner. Aidan McQuade drove the ball into the area where the ball found Byers, who simply deflected the ball into the back of the net for Scotland’s third.

The fourth quarter was a bit more even, with the visitors making inroads, but the Scots were more than up to the task and the match ended 3-1 to Scotland and first blood in the series.

The other two matches in ‘The Atlantic Series’ are to be played tomorrow (Monday) at 6:00pm and Wednesday at 12:00pm.

Images from the match will appear here over the next few days.