Climate change takes centre stage at Summerhall as Belgian companies land on the North Pole.

The Focus Company and the Chaliwaté Company collaboratesfor the first time on BACKUP, a physical theatre performance hybrid exploring social lethargy as the world creepsincreasingly close to being unable to undo the damage to our planet.

In BACKUP, presented at Summerhall as part of a showcase of work from the Wallonia region of Belgium, humanity has been unable to operate an ecological transition when faced with a fast-moving and ever-accelerating climate imbalance.

On the road, travelling the world, three reporters witness the blooming apocalypse. They film, with the little they have at hand, the last living species, slowly disappearing around them.

The Focus Company and the Chaliwaté Company work meticulously to create a singular visual, metaphoric and poetic language, which grows from daily life, the personal and intimate experience, the “infra-ordinary”, aiming to touch the universal and question that which no longer seems to concern us.

A show supported by the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

‘4 am. Under a snowstorm powerful enough to wrestle with a sequoia, a used-up van finds its way across the icecap. Three reporters land on the ice as if stepping on the moon for the first time. A bear stares straight at them. The team gets ready…

We are in a near future.’

BACKUP is  a 30 minute show at Summerhall, and is the perfect way to start your day.

2-26 August, 10:50

BACKUP  is supported in Edinburgh by The Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, Wallonie Bruxelles International and its export agency Wallonie-Bruxelles Théâtre Danse.

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Founding Editor of The Edinburgh Reporter.
Edinburgh-born multimedia journalist and iPhoneographer.