Nicola Sturgeon’s cabinet has been greatly changed today during a major reshuffle, the first since the last Scottish parliamentary election in May 2016.

Keith Brown was recently appointed Deputy Leader of the SNP, and will quit the job of Economy Secretary. He will also work on getting ready for any elections and possibly also a second Scottish Independence Referendum.

Shona Robison has quit as Health Secretary.

Mike Russell has become constitutional relations secretary.

Humza Yousaf gives up his Transport brief to Michael Matheson, exchanging places, as Yousaf now becomes Justice Secretary.

Derek Mackay remains as Finance Secretary.

Jeane Freeman will be Health Secretary, and Shirley-Anne Somerville takes the job of Social Security Secretary in her place.

Angela Constance has quit as Communities and Local Government  Secretary, a job which is now taken up by Aileen Campbell.

John Swinney remains Education Minister and Deputy First Minister.

Fergus Ewing remains Rural Affairs Minister.

Fiona Hyslop remains Culture Secretary.

Roseanna Cunningham remains at Environment.

The parliament will vote on these appointments tomorrow and the junior team will also be named.

The First Minister said : “The new Cabinet I am announcing today brings fresh talent to the Scottish Government and ensures that we are fully equipped to meet the challenges and opportunities facing the country in the months and years ahead.

“With the impact of Brexit on our economy and wider society, it is right that the issues it presents are fully reflected at Cabinet level, while the delivery of a new Scottish social security system also requires a voice at the Cabinet table.

“Those appointments, together with the reshaped portfolios announced today, mean that people can have confidence that the Scottish Government will continue to deliver for people, public services and communities the length and breadth of the country.

“People already have high trust in the Scottish Government to look after their interests, and I am determined that this new, refreshed Cabinet will continue to repay that trust.

“I would like to place on record my thanks and gratitude to Keith Brown, Shona Robison and Angela Constance who are leaving Cabinet today for the hard work, commitment and dedication they have brought to the Government. Each of them has achievements that they can be proud of and I know that they will all continue to make a strong contribution to the cause of a better Scotland.

“I will shortly be appointing a fully refreshed junior ministerial team, which will also include a number of fresh faces and a wealth of new talent.”