The Cat Man Curse, a fast paced, surreal comedy, makes its Edinburgh Festival Fringe premier. TV actor Charles Heron has it all thanks to his career playing hot-shot lawyer, Harvey Hardtruth. However, when an old Hollywood curse turns Heron’s life upside down he must join forces with Mark Swift, a real-life solicitor who suspects the curse is not all it seems. Implicated in a series of bizarre, interconnected crimes, Heron and Swift must work together in this 1970s noir mystery to unravel a nefarious plot.

Turning the mundane into the incredible, Pelican’s ingenious use of sets and everyday props coupled with their dedication to the absurd and joyful creates worlds this audience can get lost in and occasionally be a part of.

All graduates of the Cambridge Footlights and with training at L’ecole Philippe Gaulier, this trio is experienced in physical theatre and delivering surreal comedy. Sam Grabiner is both a graduate of the Royal Court Theatre Young Writers’ Programme and resident playwright at Papatango Theatre Company. Jordan Mitchell has directed two of Sam’s plays: STIFF! (Winner of the Footlights Harry Porter Prize 2014, judged by Tom Basden) and Amygdala Wonderland (Shortlisted for the Papatango New Writing Prize 2015). Guy Emanuel has a background in music and is the composer for The Cat Man Curse. Director, Lucy Moss was also the Assistant Director on ‘Boris – World King’ (4* The Stage, 5* Broadway Baby) at Edinburgh Fringe 2016.

Pelican combine intelligent sketch-inspired material with a clownish playful style that all shines through in The Cat Man Curse.

Venue:  Bedlam Theatre

Time:  20:00

Dates: 03 – 28 August. No show 9, 16, 23 August

Buy tickets here

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