The City of Edinburgh Running Festival or CERF has a supporter in Nigel Jones who is a former international athlete. Since hanging up his running shoes he became a Law Accountant and he is now the sponsor for the 800m race.

Nigel ran that distance in the 70s and 80s at national and international levels.

An athlete with experience on the track and in cross country races he met Graeme Armstrong, chairman of CERF purely by chance and decided to offer his backing to the festival.

Nigel began running when he was six years old and thanks to his father who set up the Scottish Young Athletes League, went on to secure the world’s best performance for a mile for a ten year old boy.

The Edinburgh-based Law Accountant secured wins in his favourite event, the Steeplechase, at all age levels, culminating in winning the senior title in 1981 at the Scottish Championships at Meadowbank.

Nigel Jones former athleteDespite taking a break for 30 years following his running success to concentrate on his business, Nigel D Jones Law Accountants, Nigel still runs non-competitively three times a week.

Nigel said: “Since I was a boy I have always had a passion for running, so to be able to show my support now by sponsoring CERF is fantastic.

“I think the event itself is great as it’s very professional and well put together. The way it is structured puts everyone on a level playing field and really embraces the fun side of competitive running.

“This will be the third year I have sponsored the 800m race and already can’t wait to see the level of talent competing next week.”

Nigel Jones former athlete

Graeme Armstrong added: “We are delighted that businesses are continuing to show their support and sponsor the races at CERF. Without this local support, we wouldn’t be able to host such a successful event year on year.

“It’s also great to see former athletes, such as Nigel, show his support, as it shows how people who really know the ins-and-outs of racing appreciate the hard work we are all putting in.”