The secrets of one of Edinburgh’s most well known nature reserves are to be unveiled this Saturday, 17 June 2017, with a day long bioblitz by RSPB Scotland.

A bioblitz is a huge wildlife survey where people come together to study and count all the wildlife that lives in one place. The Duddingtson bioblitz will take place between 10am and 4pm, with events and activities throughout the day. It is suitable for all ages. There will also be an early morning bird walk at 6am and a bat walk at 10pm, which both require booking.

Many experts will be taking part in the bioblitz, helping to identify the species of animals, plants and insects spotted.

RSPB Scotland’s Amber Jenkins said: “We’re all really looking forward to what will be our second Duddingston bioblitz, and we’ll be able to add even more wildlife to the long list that was discovered last year. Duddingston is an amazing site, and we really don’t know what we’re going to find.”

“The great thing about this event is that you don’t need to have any special knowledge or skills to take part. There’s something for everyone, from beginners to experts,  and visitors can enjoy walks, talks, bicycle tours and much more. Whatever you find on the day will also help create a scientific record of amazing value.”

 Organisations taking part in the bioblitz include RSPB Scotland, Duddingston Field Group, Dr. Neil’s Garden, Duddingston Kirk, Butterfly Conservation, Historic Environment Scotland, Edinburgh Natural History Society and The Scottish Wildlife Trust.

For more information, to book on to an activity and for a leaflet, contact