To multi-star reviews and wildfire word of mouth praise, Jodie Prenger immerses herself in the role of semi-detached from life to rising Phoenix kitchen-sink rebel, Shirley Valentine, with withering Scouse panache.

This 30th anniversary tour, one woman show, rediscovers its origins in Willy Russell’s award-winning original stage production.

Those eager punters scouring the programme wondering why there is no credit reference to Shirley’s gruff husband, ‘Egg, chips n’chop every Thursday,’ Joe will soon disabuse themselves with referencing the eponymous 1989 Oscar nominated film adaptation also scripted by Russell.

Prenger commands the stage both with definitive authority and endearing inclusivity. Bitter-sweet anecdotal, philosophically punchy, the deep-pan chip fryer is for real.

The nuanced retro 80s kitchen unit set design sometimes has audiences wondering whether mobile phones and the Inter-Web were really such a good idea after all.

Shirley is surely this season’s hot ticket, must see, life-affirming la femme formidable. And for those whose booking turned into a nightmare – let Shirley recount her wayward son’s redemptive last chance as Joseph in the school nativity play when he is told the inn is full.

Miss at your peril.

Shirley Valentine 

Tue 30 May to Sat 3 June | King’s Theatre

Evenings 7.30pm Matinees Wednesday and Saturday 2.30pm

Age: 14+

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