
  • Doors Open Day – another suggestion
  • Mimi’s win an award!
  • Edinburgh Airport drumming up business in China
  • Bellfield Church and Halls
  • My Front Room holding fundraiser for MND

On Saturday North Edinburgh Arts is opening its doors for you to see what they get up to every day of the week.

More information on their Facebook page.



Mimi’s Bakehouse has won not one but two gold awards in an awards ceremony in London.

Read more here.

Edinburgh Airport have sent a five strong team to China to the World Route Development Forum aiming to attract new airlines.

The forum allows airlines and airports from across the world to meet in Chengdu, Sichuan Province between 24-27 September to discuss new routes.

Gordon Dewar, Edinburgh Airport’s Chief Executive, said: “World Routes is a massive event in the calendar for airports with global ambitions like we do – so it is tremendous for Edinburgh Airport to be here in China.

“This year our team of five includes the biggest executive representation we have ever taken to Routes, and this makes clear the scale of our commitment to delivering international growth at Edinburgh.

“The strong partnership between Edinburgh Airport and the airlines that fly here has been crucial in opening up new routes and opportunities between Scotland and the rest of the world and we are keen to add to our existing portfolio of international airlines, routes and destinations.

“We are aiming to bring some new high profile routes to Edinburgh Airport, not only for people and businesses in Scotland who will gain from greater direct international connectivity but also for inbound tourism which will deliver jobs, benefiting Scotland’s economy at large.”

Councillor Maureen Child has explained to us that there is a proposal to exercise the community right to buy Bellfield Church and Halls in Portobello. There is a meeting tomorrow to find out more about the campaign.

What next for Bellfield Church and Halls?The Government recently accepted our Community Right to Buy application and has requested that the Church of Scotland put the sale of Bellfield Old Parish Church buildings and grounds on hold until Scottish Government Ministers decide whether to give the community the chance to raise the funds to pay the full market value. In the mean time, we want to find out what the community think the potential uses of the building could be. 

Please do fill in this short survey telling us what you think it could be used for!  https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/WT3ZNHQ  Save Bellfield are hosting an open day during which we will be inviting everyone to drop in, look at the options we have collated from the community of how the space could best be used and also give us some welcome feedback!

What would a community owned and managed Bellfield look like? What kind of activities and services could/ should it offer? What do YOU think about the project? What could a community owned Bellfield achieve? Pop in to the Open Day Drop-In Event in Portobello Library on Saturday 24 September 10.30am to 12.30pm or 1.30pm to 3.30pm to let us know and find out more about the campaign. Have a biscuit, tea, chat, become a member, children of all ages 0-110 welcome!

My Front Room is a coffee shop in Newington, and their chosen charity is MND Scotland. They are holding a day to raise funds for the charity by removing all prices from their food and drinks menu and taking donations instead.

You will be invited to pay what it’s worth in a tea caddy on the bar which allows for anonymous contributions!

Nick Keenan and Lucy Jacobs who are behind the coffee house opened their venture in July this year. Just last year Nick’s father was diagnosed with MND. They explained that it is only thanks to the unerring work of the MND charities in his region that he has an unexpected level of independence.

More information at http://www.myfrontroom.co.uk

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